Your Kitten's First Vet Appointment

18 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you've just adopted a kitten from a local shelter, you may assume the kitten is happy and healthy. However, with so many cats and other animals in rescue shelters, it's easy to miss a few problems. That is why it is important to take your kitten to the vet for the first visit. Check out these tips to ensure you get the most out of your appointment.

Don't Wait for the Appointment

Kittens, like human babies are vulnerable to many diseases and germs because their immune system is still new. Therefore, it's important you take your kitten to the vet within the first 24 to 72 hours. Most shelters won't adopt out animals that are contagious, but problems can be missed, and if a kitten comes from a facility with a lot of other cat, it can carry diseases that may spread to your other cats or cause death for the poor kitten.

Bring a Fecal Sample

Your vet is likely going to run tests. Some tests simply require a little blood, which can be taken in the office. For some tests, you can even wait to see the results. However, your vet may also want to run some tests on the cat's stool. If you collect some and bring it in with you to your first appointment, you can start the process faster. These samples help check for worms and other problems.

Get Proper Vaccinations

Cats don't require vaccines like dogs because they don't require a license. However, it's still a good idea to protect your cat against some disease with vaccinations. Some vaccines are good regardless of where you live or if you cat is indoor or outdoor, such as rabies. However, your vet may suggest other vaccinations or treatments depending on where you live. Outdoor cats require more vaccinations as they come in contact with other domesticated and wild animals.

Spay or Neuter

Your kitten may have already been spayed or neutered before coming into your life, but if that isn't the case, you need to ask about it. Female cats who are left intact can get pregnant, increasing the already out-of-control cat population. Plus, if your cat is female, the kittens are your responsibility. If you have an intact male cat, it can spray inside your home, creating an unpleasant odor, and if he is an outdoor cat, he can impregnate other intact cats.

Your kitten is now a part of your family, so treat it like such. Make sure you take your kitten to the vet for a first examination immediately to prevent a serious tragedy in your home. For more information, contact a vet, like one from Buck Road Animal Hospital, in your area today. 
