What Can A Vet Do For Itchy Doggy Paws?

14 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Does your dog have itchy paws? Maybe they are always licking their paws, and perhaps their paws start looking red and irritated quite often. This can be frustrating, both for your dog and for you as a dog owner. Thankfully, there are plenty of things a vet can do for itchy paws. Here are some of the top treatments to explore with your veterinarian. Changes in Diet People often think that itchy paws are a reaction to the environment, and sometimes they are. Read More 

Preventing Tick Bites In Your Dog: What You Need To Know

18 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Ticks are a very small pest that can be inhabiting your yard and your trees, as well as other structures around your yard. These tiny pests carry a powerful disease called Lyme disease. It can affect humans and animals alike, including your pets. Prevention is key, but so is keeping a close eye on your pets and their bodies to see if they have any of these pests in their fur or on their skin. Read More